Amy's story
Amy* explains how foster carer Kate gave her a normal childhood and supported her on a journey to a career helping others.
*Name changed to protect identity and stock photo used.
When 21-year-old Amy went to live with Team Fostering carer Kate at the age of 10, it changed her life. The support and opportunities she’s had whilst in foster care led her on the path to joining the police and she’s now enjoying a career which means a lot to her.
Becoming a part of the family
Amy’s sisters were already living with Kate, and after seeing how happy they were and being given the choice to join them, she jumped at the opportunity. From the moment she arrived, Amy felt a sense of belonging with Kate and her family.
She explains: “I instantly felt welcome. Kate’s son has always been really funny, he made it feel so much better.
“Sometimes if you’ve got your own kids it can be a bit hard thinking if you want to foster. But it was absolutely fine and now I’ve grown up with him and he’s like my real brother.”
What makes a great foster carer
Amy explains what made Kate such a great foster carer.
She said: “She’s got a strong personality, she’s always bubbly. I’ve never seen her mad or upset.
“I felt comfortable and at ease. She really is like a second mum to me.”
As Amy grew up, Kate was there to support her with the ups and downs of life.
Amy said: “I’ve always struggled with anxiety and feeling down in the dumps and she’s helped me become the woman I am today. She’s given me guidance that a mother would give to her own child because I don’t have one.”
Making memories with Team Fostering
Alongside Kate was a whole community at Team Fostering, and Amy fondly remembers going on the caravan holidays and activities we provide for our families each year.
She said: “I do have some good memories of being on those holidays. I remember riding round Rother Valley on bikes with Kate in the blistering heat. It was a really fun day.
“It’s a great community at Team Fostering, everyone was really lovely. Kate also helps and supports other foster carers and has a nice friendship group with it. So it’s more than just fostering.”
Supporting career goals
When Amy decided she wanted to join the police, Kate was there every step of the way. From helping with school work to the practicalities of driving Amy to Birmingham to do her fitness test.
Amy said: “I’ve always wanted to go into the police. I knew from my experience I had when I was younger I’d be able to help people and understand people going through difficult times.
“Kate guided me on qualifications, gave me advice about school, always made sure I was on top of homework and helped me with revision. If I needed space she’d give me space. If I was tired she’d make me a cup of tea.
“I think if I’d chosen to do anything she would have supported me.”
Foster care changed my life
Amy reflects on what life would have been like without Kate and Team Fostering.
She said: “Growing up with a mum who was terminally ill was quite hard. When you don’t have a mum you feel like the odd one out at school.
“Being with Kate I was able to grow up and feel like a normal child.”
And what words of advice would Amy have for anyone thinking of becoming a foster carer?
“It’s a tough decision taking on kids that you don’t really know,” she said, “you don’t know what path of life they’ve come from.
“But my life has changed for the better because of being in foster care with Kate and Team Fostering.”
Could you change a child’s life like Amy? Pop your details in our enquiry form below and one of the team will be in touch.